Author: <span>Triston</span>


Cyber Breaches Survey 2023 – Infographic

Each year, the UK Government conducts and releases a Cyber Security Breaches Survey. This year we noticed they were lacking infographics so decided to make our own!

Our infographic focuses on the results from the SME end of the survey spectrum to highlight the challenges and activities of micro-businesses (1 to 9 employees) & small businesses (10 to 49 employees) where provided, combined with some of the overall information.

Read more “Cyber Breaches Survey 2023 – Infographic”
Information Security

LastPass : Is it time to leave?

2022 was not LastPass’s year. For those unaware, the Password Mis-manager has been the target of a number of security incidents. The last in November resulted in a significant breach of customer information.

The saga started in August when one of LastPass’s developer accounts was compromised and used to extract technical information about LastPass’s platform including some source code from their development environment (essentially the blueprints to LastPasses environment). No production information (customer information or vaults) was accessed at this time.

Read more “LastPass : Is it time to leave?”
close up photo of a gold pocket watch Information Security

2022: a year in cyber incidents

What a year 2022 has been!  From the fallout of the COVID pandemic still lingering (including Partygate), Storm Eunice, Russia invading Ukraine, the Queens Platinum Jubilee, Summer heatwaves and droughts, two new prime ministers, the death of the Queen, strikes and the raising cost of living crisis, we’ve seen another year of significant change.

2022 has also continued to be another significant year regarding cyber security breaches with more breaches targeting Health and Education. 

Read more “2022: a year in cyber incidents”

Data protection and contact tracing

As Pubs, Restaurants and other similar businesses in hospitality re-opened at the weekend, providing a safe environment for visitors has been a top priority.

Alongside the social distancing, hand sanitiser and perspex screens is a recommendation to capture visitor (and staff) contact details for contact tracing purposes. This is performed by the NHS track and trace team in the event of a positive case.

Read more “Data protection and contact tracing”

COVID-19 – stay secure and stay safe.

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a seismic shift towards digital interaction throughout our lives. Remote working became mainstream overnight across thousands of businesses, with virtual meetings and collaboration tools becoming necessities for work and keeping in contact with loved ones. Businesses (and their IT partners) have had to quickly and urgently adapt their business processes, in some cases changing their policy on remote working on-the-fly to keep their businesses functional.

Read more “COVID-19 – stay secure and stay safe.”
Information Security you want some ‘free’ software?

Chances are you’re getting more than you bargained for.

The security research team at Cybereason has recently highlighted the threats from attempting to download ‘cracked’ copies of Microsoft or Adobe products. The research team found that these copies of software had been laced with some particularly nasty malware, which starts by attempting to steal passwords and other information, then contacts a commercial service to download even more malware.

Read more “ you want some ‘free’ software?”