Category: <span>COVID-19</span>


Data protection and contact tracing

As Pubs, Restaurants and other similar businesses in hospitality re-opened at the weekend, providing a safe environment for visitors has been a top priority.

Alongside the social distancing, hand sanitiser and perspex screens is a recommendation to capture visitor (and staff) contact details for contact tracing purposes. This is performed by the NHS track and trace team in the event of a positive case.

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COVID-19 – stay secure and stay safe.

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a seismic shift towards digital interaction throughout our lives. Remote working became mainstream overnight across thousands of businesses, with virtual meetings and collaboration tools becoming necessities for work and keeping in contact with loved ones. Businesses (and their IT partners) have had to quickly and urgently adapt their business processes, in some cases changing their policy on remote working on-the-fly to keep their businesses functional.

Read more “COVID-19 – stay secure and stay safe.”